How to: Zooming in viflow
In viflow there are many different ways to use the zoom function on a graphic. Each method has its own advantages. When which of the listed possibilities can be used, we would like to explain here. All zoom functions listed refer to the main window in viflow.
You can find a video on this topic on our YouTube channel
The viflow main window with the graphic view
After opening a viflow process model, an object graphic is opened in the main window, usually this is the last edited graphic.
Set zoom factor via shortcut
Zoom to mouse pointer
[CTRL+ Mouse wheel]
The zoom on the cursor can be used to zoom precisely to a point. This method in particular interrupts the workflow only slightly, since the mouse pointer is usually already in focus.
Zoom in
[CTRL+ SHIFT + Left mouse button]
By zooming in with shortcuts, the graphic can be enlarged in defined steps. This gives you the ability to quickly adjust the zoom factor.
zoom out
[CTRL+ SHIFT + Right mouse button]
By zooming out with shortcuts, the graphic can be reduced in defined steps. This allows you to quickly adjust the zoom factor.
Zoom in open frame
[CTRL+ SHIFT + frame drawn with left mouse button]
With the frame drawn up, a specific area can quickly be brought into focus.
Set zoom factor via footer
Set zoom
The numerical setting of the zoom factor is the most precise way to set the zoom. This can help in estimating the visibility, e.g. in print.
The zoom factor can be set continuously with the slider. This allows you to set a desired factor without knowing the exact value.
Fit to window
The Fit to Window feature helps you quickly regain an overview when the zoom level is very small or large.
Move and zoom
The Move and Zoom function helps to navigate on larger graphics. The viflow objects remain readable and the thumbnail view of the graphic helps with orientation.