Modeling options in viflow
Regardless of whether you prefer to map your processes with Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), as a flow chart or in swim lanes, with viflow you can model your processes exactly as you wish.
That’s because viflow is both easy and flexible.
Swimlanes are the standard modelling method in viflow. A key feature of the swim lane method is the ability to map processes quickly in a readily comprehensible and structured manner. This essentially results in three views of the process: the activity layer (process view), the information layer (data view) and the organisation layer (area view).
A Turtle Chart is a form of process representation similar to a process data sheet. The essential input factors of a process – such as inputs, required documents, participants and material resources – are depicted graphically. This helps users obtain an overall view of the depicted process.
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
The BPMN developed by the Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI) enables the graphical modeling of business processes in a standardized and comprehensive notation from a business perspective. The BPMN templates from viflow contain the majority of the BPMN 2.0 shapes and thus enable business modeling according to this notation. However, a BPMN-compliant output for further processing in other systems is currently not possible.
Depicting a process as a flow chart is a graphical analysis method. A flow chart makes complex processes easier to understand by depicting the underlying structure and the relationships between the elements step by step in graphical form.