viflow at KEB Automation KG

KEB Automation is a medium-sized company in the field of electrical drive and control technology. KEB's headquarters are located in Barntrup (Ostwestfalen-Lippe). The company started in 1972 with six employees. In the meantime, the globally operating company has more than 1550 employees – about 1000 of them at the headquarters in Barntrup.

Since 2003, viflow is in operation there.

Felix Kropp, quality management, KEB Automation AG

Felix Kropp has been working in quality management at KEB Automation for almost seven years and is responsible for process management, reporting and project work of various kinds. He is currently working on the topic of information security.

"viflow is not only used sporadically for projects at KEB Automation KG, but is used to represent all of our company's processes. This of course also includes the project-accompanying recording of new processes.  

We believe that a process map can never really be "finished". Through continuous feedback from colleagues on existing processes and requests to add new processes that are not mapped, this environment is always evolving. This is great because colleagues are always happy to take a look at the process map and stay up to date.

In day-to-day quality work, the process map is used for audit preparation and support, and the easy access to the processes across departments ensures a high level of conformity – just to name a few advantages.

At KEB, the development of new processes usually takes the form of a workshop. This creates room for constructive discussions between the process owners, which lead to applicable results in practice.

The decision to use viflow for process management was made many years before I started my professional career at KEB Automation KG. We started with viflow in 2002 and since then, viflow has continued to develop in the right direction and we still like to use it. Above all, the improvements to the WebModel have once again significantly increased employee acceptance."

We are happy when we can convince with our software and our service and wish KEB Automation KG further success in their work with viflow.  

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